Reflexology in Las Vegas
eflexology- 足疗 is a massage therapy offered by Mu Tao Wellness Spa, in Las Vegas, Nevada. This method is characterized by the study of how specific muscle groups, organs of the body, and other parts of the human system are interconnected.
By focusing on an affected area of the body, and understanding what else is connected to that area, our staff is able to effectively care for our clients’ discomforts using reflexology therapy.
What to Expect
During your session, our reflexology therapists will apply pressure on particular areas of your hands or feet in order to bring forth benefits including relaxation and better circulation. This technique is designed to help the body’s Endocrine System and to remove stress, so you should expect your session to leave you completely relaxed.
Sometimes massage therapists will use rubber balls, rubber bands, and even sticks of wood to help with the process of applying pressure to parts of your body. This is completely normal but if you have a specific concern you can always speak with your massage therapist and voice it to them.
Don’t be surprised if you’re recommended to our spa by a physical therapist or chiropractor, as it is popular for practitioners of reflexology to include these types of physical therapy fields. A great deal of our clients are referred to us by other practitioners who know the benefits of reflexology but cannot perform such a therapy session themselves due to a variety of reasons.
Benefits of Reflexology
In addition to the obvious benefits including relaxation and tranquility, Reflexology is also known for many other benefits:
• Helping with flat feet and plantar fasciitis
• Helping foot and ankle injuries
• Preventing foot injuries
• Reducing the effects of anxiety
• Reducing the effects of depression
• Increasing circulation within the body
• Improving the body’s cleansing systems
• Restoring your energy
• And much more!
For the Western world, such benefits can sometimes sound too good to be true. Rest assured that several studies which were funded by the National Cancer Institute as well as the National Institutes of Health have found that reflexology may reduce the psychological symptoms associated with anxiety and depression, in addition to helping sleep and increasing natural relaxation.
Other studies have even discovered that reflexology may benefit people with cancer who are looking for a way to relieve pain without fighting the root cause. In the instance of cancer patients, it may not always be feasible to fight the root cause but they can always benefit from pain relief and lower effects of stress.
Scheduling a Session
For those looking to schedule a session or learn more, please keep in mind that we are open from 9 AM until 9 PM Monday through Sunday. We make sure that our spa is available for you at all times of the week and are happy to work with you to meet your needs.
Please give us a call at 702-998-7676 to speak with our staff.